Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ramadan Day 2

Yesterday I was so sick with a head cold. I took my black seed oil and my tylenol and crawled into bed. I didn't even read the book yesterday or the Quran. Strangely I did some dawah though. I had to pick up my dd2 who was volunteering and she asked me to go look at the new restaurant that was opening in town. Nothing new ever happens here so if someone sneezes its big news (by the way I sneezed a lot yesterday!). So we went in and I ended up explaining about muslim diet restrictions to her. I forgot to mention it was Ramadan though but that's enough information for the poor woman to take in. People in this town have zero knowledge about Islam so its good not to overwhelm them. The hairdresser didn't even know who Malcolm X was and I thought everyone knew him. Anyway hope today is better insha Allah. I'll have to try and catch up. How was your day 2?   Postscript: I just read the entry for day 2 and the focus is on dua. The dua that is always on my mind lately is for my poor mother-in-law in Malaysia who is so sick and has gone downhill so much since dh and ds's visit in Dec-Jan.

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